
LesothoTenders provides latest updates on tenders from . The information is collected from various sources like: Purchaser's websites, News papers and other Lesotho Government Tenders sites.Subscriber can view and download unlimited number of public tenders, published by various agencies of Lesotho Government in Sector.

Mdih Policy and Institutional Reform - Irrigation and Water

LST Ref No.:  92101044

Deadline:  30 Sep 2024

Health Communications contract

LST Ref No.:  92101045

Deadline:  30 Sep 2024

ICT District Maintenance Support Contract

LST Ref No.:  92101046

Deadline:  30 Sep 2024

Horticulture Training Gender and Social Development (HTGSD)

LST Ref No.:  92097312

Deadline:  30 Sep 2024

Business Environment and Technical Assistance (BETA)

LST Ref No.:  92097313

Deadline:  30 Sep 2024

MCA-Office Furniture

LST Ref No.:  92097314

Deadline:  30 Sep 2024

Two (2) 4x4 Vehicles

LST Ref No.:  92097315

Deadline:  30 Sep 2024

External Audit

LST Ref No.:  92097316

Deadline:  30 Sep 2024

Network Cabling

LST Ref No.:  92097048

Deadline:  30 Sep 2024

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