Latest Tenders From Lesotho

LesothoTenders provides latest updates on tenders from Lesotho. The information is collected from various sources like: Purchaser's websites, News papers and other Lesotho Government Tenders sites.Subscriber can view and download unlimited number of public tenders, published by various agencies of Lesotho Government.

Market-Driven Irrigated Horticulture (MDIH)

LST Ref No.:  92100960

Deadline:  30 Sep 2024

Server Room Power and UPS

LST Ref No.:  92100813

Deadline:  30 Sep 2024

Voip Phone System

LST Ref No.:  92100659

Deadline:  30 Sep 2024

Video Conference for 5 Meeting Rooms

LST Ref No.:  92100660

Deadline:  30 Sep 2024

Racks and Cabinets

LST Ref No.:  92100661

Deadline:  30 Sep 2024

MDIH Design Build Contract

LST Ref No.:  92100670

Deadline:  30 Sep 2024

Data Innovation Hub Contract

LST Ref No.:  92101047

Deadline:  30 Sep 2024

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