
LesothoTenders provides latest updates on tenders from . The information is collected from various sources like: Purchaser's websites, News papers and other Lesotho Government Tenders sites.Subscriber can view and download unlimited number of public tenders, published by various agencies of Lesotho Government in Sector.

Land And Property Valuation Of Katse- Thaba Tseka (A8) Road

LST Ref No.:  104145875

Deadline:  01 Aug 2024

Cleaning Services At LNDC

LST Ref No.:  104145977

Deadline:  08 Aug 2024

Motivational speakers, social media influencer etc.

LST Ref No.:  103922404

Deadline:  31 Aug 2024

Entertainment services - artists, performers, MCs, sound etc.

LST Ref No.:  103922403

Deadline:  31 Aug 2024

Maintenance services-lock smith, welding, and steel works etc.

LST Ref No.:  103922400

Deadline:  31 Aug 2024

Supply of Refrigeration and Appliances

LST Ref No.:  103922399

Deadline:  31 Aug 2024

Supply of Protective clothing & Corporate wear

LST Ref No.:  103922398

Deadline:  31 Aug 2024

Supply of Wholesalers Billboards etc.

LST Ref No.:  103922397

Deadline:  31 Aug 2024

Provision of Utilities services

LST Ref No.:  103922396

Deadline:  31 Aug 2024

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