
LesothoTenders provides latest updates on tenders from . The information is collected from various sources like: Purchaser's websites, News papers and other Lesotho Government Tenders sites.Subscriber can view and download unlimited number of public tenders, published by various agencies of Lesotho Government in Sector.

Information and Communication Technology Suppliers

LST Ref No.:  103922393

Deadline:  31 Aug 2024

Provision of Décor & Events Management services

LST Ref No.:  103922392

Deadline:  31 Aug 2024

Consultancy - therapy services, business/ strategy, etc.

LST Ref No.:  103922391

Deadline:  31 Aug 2024

Provision of Cleaning services -office, carwash etc.

LST Ref No.:  103922390

Deadline:  31 Aug 2024

Provision of Building Construction works

LST Ref No.:  103922387

Deadline:  31 Aug 2024

Provision of Advertising Agencies, Digital & online marketing

LST Ref No.:  103922386

Deadline:  31 Aug 2024

Provision of Travel Agencies services

LST Ref No.:  103922385

Deadline:  31 Aug 2024

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